Monday, April 13, 2009

Cars, costumes and props from The Mummy and The Mummy Returns movies...

This original 1920's costume worn by Rachel Weisz as Evelyn Carnahan in Stephen Sommers 1999's The Mummy was photographed as part of a comprehensive costume and prop exhibit at Universal Studios Hollywood on April 13, 2009.

Original movie costume worn by Rachel Weisz
as Evelyn Carnahan in The Mummy
The Mummy film costume and props
Rachel Weisz Evelyn The Mummy movie costume
Rachel Weisz The Mummy movie costume
In the picture you can also see the 'Book of the Dead' prop used by the High Priest Imhotep in the movie.

'Book of the Dead' and 'key' movie prop from The Mummy
The Mummy Book of the Dead and key movie props

The Mummy movie poster
The Mummy movie poster
Also on display at Universal Studios Hollywood on the Studio Tour is the 'Dusenberg' car used in the sequel, The Mummy Returns, which is mostly set in the 1930's.

'Dusenberg' automobile from The Mummy Returns
Original Dusenberg car from The Mummy Returns
Dusenberg Picture car form The Mummy Returns

The Mummy Returns movie poster
The Mummy Returns movie poster
In addition to the vintage car and costume, there was also Egyptian jewelry from The Mummy Returns on display and an original production clapperboard used in filming of the first movie.

Egyptian movie costume jewelry from The Mummy Returns
The Mummy Retirns Egyptian costume jewelry
Finally where would we be without The Mummy himself. This maquette is based on actor Arnold Vosloo as Imhotep.

The Mummy model
The Mummy maquette based on Arnold Vosloo as Imhotep
The Mummy Imhotep maquette
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