With only two more months to go until Halloween, it's never too early to start preparing your costume, whether it be researching ideas or actually making your own fantastic outfit.
Here are just a few ideas from the world of fantasy and comic book superhero movies to inspire you this year.

All you need are some fake claws, facial hair, white vest and jeans to rock Hugh Jackman's Wolverine look, like this Madame Tussauds waxwork of the Canadian mutant. Maybe impressive muscles would be advantageous too.
Iron Man

Continuing the Marvel Comics theme, let the Iron Man suit worn by Robert Downey Jr. in the first movie inspire you, or go for the latest high-tech look from the sequel.

The Incredible Hulk

If you want a simple costume, what about some ripped jeans and some green body paint to make you look like the rampaging Hulk? You could even paint your six-pack on.

If you're a DC Comics fan, maybe you'll be inspired by Batman's costume from The Dark Knight.
Silk Spectre II

And if you're a Watchmen fan, there's lots of amazing looks to choose from, including this super-sexy Silk Spectre II outfit.
Nite Owl II

The Comedian



Fan-favourite Rorschach is probably one of the easiest Watchmen looks to achieve with his trench-coat, scarf, hat and even mask, easy to replicate.
Aang The Last Airbender

From comic book heroes to magical martial arts heroes, you may be inspired to go as the robed Aang from The Last Airbender.
Dastan Prince of Persia

Another hero, this time making the leap from videogames to the big screen was Jake Gyllenhaal as Dastan, The Prince of Persia. You'll also find costume ideas for Gemma Arterton's Princess Tamina.
Prince Caspian

Or be inspired by another armoured Prince, from The Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian.

Can you get any more heroic than Russell Crowe as Roman Gladiator 'Maximus Decimus Meridius'.
The Mad Hatter

I think Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter will be a popular choice this Halloween, or if you're looking for a heroine's outfit, what about the titular Alice in Wonderland.
Alice in Wonderland

If you're looking for more of an action-hero outfit, what about super-silent ninja Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe?
Snake Eyes

Here are two options, either his signature black outfit or go all white in his Arctic look. Be sure to check out the other G.I. Joe costumes here at Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props.

Finally here are a selection of costumes, store-bought and homemade from West Hollywood's Annual Halloween Carnaval.
West Hollywood's Halloween superheroes 2008

In 2008 I was Spider-man and was joined by the likes of Batman, Flash, Captain America, Supergirl, Wolverine and Batgirl.
West Hollywood's Halloween superheroes 2009

Last year my partner and I were the Dynamic Duo, Batman and Robin (I was the Boy Wonder). We bought the padded muscle versions and accessorised with gloves, belts and glow-sticks.

Amongst our fellow assemblage of heroes were Thor, The Thing, Psylocke, Silver Surfer, Iron Fist, Ghost Rider, Phoenix, Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Rorschach, Catwoman and lots and lots of Batmen and Robins (in all the different versions of the costumes).

I wonder what everyone will be wearing this year.
Come back soon for more Halloween costume ideas, including 'Villains and Monsters' and 'Cowboys and Aliens'.