In Immortals, a mortal hero 'Theseus' (Henry Cavill) is chosen by the Greek gods to fight for humanity against 'King Hyperion' (Mckey Rourke) and his hordes, plus legendary mythological creatures like the minotaur.
Original Immortals movie costumes on display

These villain costumes from the movie designed by Eiko Ishioka were photographed on display in the ArcLight Hollywood cinema foyer on October 17, 2011, where they were installed by Olson Visual.
Immortals movie billboard

First up is the severe leather and animal hide costume worn by one of King Hyperion's Heraclean army, 'Mondragon', played by Matthew G. Taylor in the movie.
Mondragon costume worn by Matthew G. Taylor in Immortals
Next up is an even more spectacular costume and mask from Tarsem Singh's epic fantasy, the re-imagined 'Minotaur' of legend.
Actual Minotaur costume worn by Robert Maillet in Immortals

Minotaur mask

The Minotaur's mask is pretty amazing, as it's actually a mask within a barbed wiremask which is a great idea, although you can imagine it can't be comfortable to wear, move or even fight in. In the movie the barbed mask is coated with poison to inflict maximum damage to enemies.
If you like these fantastical creations, be sure to check out the costumes worn by Theseus and Zeus in Immortals too.
Immortals movie poster

I don't know about you, but these original Immortals costumes are getting me pretty excited for the movie out on November 11, 2011.