In 13th century England the 2010 movie Robin Hood tells the story of before the infamous archer became the outlaw of Sherwood Forest with his Merry Men. Russell Crowe plays the titular 'Robin Longstride' and starts the movie as a common archer serving in Richard the Lionheart's army as a veteran of the Crusades.
Crusader Knight costume worn by
Russell Crowe in Robin Hood

Weary of war, Robin deserts the army and during the film steals the armour of a fallen knight to disguise himself as a nobleman.
Robin Hood movie poster

Janty Yates was Costume Designer on this historic movie, and also won the Oscar for Best Costume for another Ridley Scott/Russell Crowe collaboration, Gladiator, in 2001.
Original period costume from Robin Hood
on display at Universal Studios Hollywood

If you like this costume, be sure to check out photos of Russell Crowe's Maximus Decimus Roman Gladiator costume on display.
Crusader Knight helmet and gloves from Robin Hood