In 1984 Wes Craven introduced the world to a new horror character in the form of the scarred, claw gloved, striped sweater and Fedora wearing villain, 'Freddy Krueger', who haunted teenagers dreams and killed them whilst they slept.
A Nightmare on Elm Street costume and prop exhibit
at ArcLight Sherman Oaks

Freddy became an instant horror icon, and Halloween costume staple, spawning seven movie sequels and now a new big screen remake in 2010.
Actual movie costume for horror icon Freddy Krueger

In the movie Jackie Earle Haley (who played Rorschach in Watchmen), takes up the mantle of Freddy Krueger played consistently by Robert Englund since 1984.
A Nightmare on Elm Street movie billboard

To promote the forthcoming release of the movie remake, ArcLight cinema in Sherman Oaks had this movie costume and prop exhibit from the new movie on display on April 23, 2010.
Original movie props from A Nightmare on Elm Street

Here's also a short video of the display and then some more close-up shots of Freddy's claw-gloved hands (in case you wanted the detail to create your own Halloween costume design). Apologies for the quality of some of the images as the sunlight streaming in behind the display made it hard for my camera to focus properly.
New Freddy Krueger costume and claw-gloved hand

A Nightmare on Elm Street movie poster

Experience the original movies for yourself in the USA: