You don't have to be The Mad Hatter to appreciate a good hat, or marvel at the headgear from a fantastic movie worn by your favourite star.

Enjoy this fabulous selection of wonderful hats, helmets and masks from a wide variety of new and classic Disney movies photographed on display on May 7, 2010 at Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California.
Hats and helmets featured in Disney movies

First up is a cinematic millinery legend, the iconic hat worn by Julie Andrews in the musical Mary Poppins. This hat with cherries and cherry blossoms was worn by the magical nanny in the 1964 movie.
Mary Poppins hat worn by Julie Andrews

Mary Poppins movie poster
Next is another Disney classic, this time from 1982, the cult sci-fi hit Tron (soon to have a sequel 28 years later, Tron Legacy).
This is the helmet worn by Jeff Bridges as 'Flynn/Clu' in the original futuristic film.
Tron video warrior's helmet worn by Jeff Bridges

Tron movie poster
Keeping to the fantasy theme, next is the helmet worn by Bill Campbell as 'Cliff Secord'. He played the prototype jet-pack wearing, pulp comic-inspired masked hero in the 1991 period adventure movie, The Rocketeer, set in 1930's Hollywood.
The Rocketeer helmet worn by Bill Campbell

The Rocketeer movie poster
A more modern day helmet next, in the form of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's American football helmet from Disney's 2007 movie, The Game Plan.
American football helmet worn by
Dwayne Johnson in The Game Plan

The Game Plan movie poster

Stepping back in history next for this medieval helmet worn by Clive Owen as the legendary titular 'King Arthur' in the Touchstone Pictures (a division of Walt Disney Studios) film from 2004.
King Arthur's helmet worn by Clive Owen

King Arthur movie poster

Next are fantastic original helmets and hats from the quirky 2004 comedy, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.
Included in the display is the flight helmet worn by Owen Wilson as 'Ned Plimpton', Bill Murray's dive helmet with radio antenna as worn by the eccentric 'Steve Zissou' and finally the red cap worn by Willem Dafoe as 'Klaus Daimler'.
Flight helmet worn by Owen Wilson
in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Dive helmet worn by Bill Murray and red cap worn by
Willem Dafoe in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou movie poster

The following photo shows all three helmets and hats from The Life Aquatic, plus on the lower shelf a fire helmet from Gangs of New York and hat from the 1999 live-action version of Inspector Gadget.
An eclectic mix of hats and helmets featured in Disney movies

This is the 'gadget hat' worn by Matthew Broderick as cybernetic police officer Inspector Gadget, based on the popular cartoon series character.
Inspector Gadget hat worn by Matthew Broderick

Inspector Gadget movie poster

And finally for this installment of movie millinery, is this fire helmet worn by Jim Broadbent as 'William 'Boss' Tweed' in Martin Scorsese's 2002 film Gangs of New York, set in 1863 in the gang run streets of Lower Manhattan.
Fire helmet worn by Jim Broadbent in Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York movie poster

I hope you've enjoyed this eclectic collection of headgear, come back soon for Part two with even more unique hats from the world of Disney movies.