Is Halloween your chance to unleash your evil alter-ego? If so, here's a selection of outfits worn by familiar villains and monsters from the movies to help inspire your costume choice this Halloween season.
Freddy Krueger

Earlier this year the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street reminded everyone of the iconic look sported by Freddy Krueger.
The Joker

Heath Ledger's Joker took Batman's arch-nemesis to a whole new level of scary in The Dark Knight. You can either choose from his signature purple and green wardrobe, or try out his slightly disturbing nurses outfit look, like this Joker impersonator at last year's West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval.
Nurse Joker

This year's movies have been full of villainy and shady characters to inspire your Halloween costume.
Stayne Knave of Hearts

If you're a Disney fan you could be Stayne, the Knave of Hearts from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.
Volturi vampire costumes

If you're planning to go as a vampire you'll love these outfits worn in Twilight: Eclipse by Dakota Fanning and her fellow Volturi.

If you're looking for something a little more colourful what about this costume worn by the villainous Fire Lord Ozai from the live-action version of The Last Airbender.
Fire Lord Ozai

Traditionally Halloween is a time of witches and warlocks, so what about going garbed as the evil magician Horvath from The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Or if you prefer a more Arabian Nights flavour, what about going dressed as the Prince of Persia's evil uncle Nazim.

Maybe the deadly ninja look is what you're after, like this original costume worn by Storm Shadow in the live-action version of G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.
Storm Shadow

Finally, if you want to be a more traditional horror creature to terrify your friends this year you could always try and replicate this gory werewolf look from The Wolfman movie.

However if you can't find what you're looking for above, check out the abundance of superhero, fantasy, sci-fi, western and period film costumes here at Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props.