The Eagle movie is set in Roman Britain and stars Channing Tatum as a Roman centurion who journeys into Caledonia, with the aid of a Scottish slave (Jamie Bell), in search of his father's lost legion and its eagle standard.
Actual film props featured in The Eagle

This original props from the movie, which is set in 140 AD, were photographed on display at Universal Studios Hollywood on March 28, 2011.
The Eagle movie poster

Carved eagle standard and figurine from The Eagle

Included in the prop exhibit were this carved eagle which resembles the missing eagle standard of the 'Ninth' legion and what looks like a warrior figurine.
Altar stone and bone knife props used in The Eagle

Also on display were Roman Altar Stone and a bone knife used by the Pictish tribesmen, the 'Seal People', who live by the sea.
Be sure to also take a look at Channing Tatum's Roman centurion costume from the movie, plus Jamie Bell's costume and other props from The Eagle.
Buy the movie: The Eagle